people in need.

I don't cry for me, but for does in need. who can't change their destiny, The world comes to many people.
As a frightning place of birth, cause they dont have. what most people do, they only got love. wich aint enough,
to feed their empty stomach's. people with no home, no money, sometimes not even a loved one.
This world we live in, so selfish. i thought god showed us, that we need to share. help and give does in need,
care for one and other. if we just help eachother out, just give a helping hand. even if its just a shoulder to cry on, i wish, i pray. for all does wich are in need, i try to give as much as i can. every cent i dont need, will help to feed. maybe save a life, that would be wonderful. cause this i what we all need to do, give a helping hand. donate, give away. try to help if you can, be a humanbeing. show compassion, cause we where born with feelings.

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